Various Economical Bulk Storages- Types, Facts & Their Advantages

Storage is meant to be of two types: Low-capacity bin storages and High-capacity bulk storage. Unlike bin storages, Bulk storage is storage of (Cement, Clinker, Slag, Limestone, Additives, Gypsum and other industrial materials) in large quantities. Followings are the various types of bulk storage depending on the material to be stored for industrial purpose:

a) Additive Storage:

Additives are the organic material added to subject material in order to improve its inherit qualities, performance, efficiency and reduce cost. Industrially, Additive storage covers a wide range of antifoams, organic additives and other performance enhancement additives. Some well-known examples of additives are ‘fly ash’, ‘GGBFS’, and ‘silica fume’.

Few facts:

  1. In the United States, 95% of the masonry cement is made by adding additives to subject material like clinker , cement etc
  2. In some countries, up to 80% of the cement contains granulated slag, as it helps to bring down the cost of cement.


  1. Achieve high sustainability of plant by virtue of ‘less electrical consumptions’ and ‘natural resources preservation’.
  2. Storing Additives like fly ash under shed do not require grinding and mixing, thereby nullify grinding cost to plant.
  3. Some Additives like Sulphites are not only highly oxidant in nature, but also causes clinical effects in sensitive individuals. Cross ventilation quality and prevention from adverse conditions of environment across the Additive storage sheds will eliminate such difficulties.

b) Gypsum Storage:

One of the additives, called Gypsum is fine grained calcium sulphate material industrially used as fertilizer/enhancer in subject material to improve its inherit qualities, performance, efficiency and reduce cost. ‘Calcium sulphate di-hydrate’, ‘alabaster’, ‘plaster of paris’, selenite, rock gypsum, and gypsite are some well known gypsum examples used for gypsum storage.

Few facts:

  1. Being the main ingredient in plaster of Paris (PoP), it is useful in making casts and sculptures.
  2. 90% of Gypsum is very soft that it could be scratch with our fingernail.
  3. Most of the Gypsum often found in the mines of Australia, Mexico, US. Out of these three countries, largest ever gypsum crystals were found in Mexico, weighing 55 ton.


  1. Gypsum storage sheds is very effective for prevention and control of fugitive emission.
  2. Less operation and maintenance cost is required.
  3. Prevention from vulnerability caused by adverse environmental conditions.

c) Limestone Storage:

Limestone (a composition of calcium carbonate, CaCo3 with other minerals) generally found in most organic sedimentary rocks formed from accumulation of coral, shell, forams etc. In construction Industry, limestone is used as one of the major components in clinker/cement formation. Moreover, In precious Architectural works, limestone is also used neutralize the effect of acidity caused by acid rain .


  1. Limestone storage under steel sheds will cost about 40% less as compared to reinforced concrete silos. Therefore helps in overall cost cutting.
  2. Steel used in limestone storage sheds is highly corrosion proof as well as water proof. Therefore operation process will be more reliable, long lasting and anti-corrosion.
  3. Limestone storage under storage shed also provide best protection against adverse weather conditions.

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