Dome Structure – Important of Domes in Construction Industry

Dome – A hemi-spherical hollow structure, used as roofing/ceiling. In Architectural terms, a semi-spherical structure with its curvature on the top, when usually created to cover a sufficient room for mass storage like cement, limestone, coal, lignite, gypsum, additives and many more, known as Dome Structure.

Importance of Dome Structures in Construction Industry

  • High Strength:  Bulk storage dome structures are highly durable and strong. If we talk about strength and average building life of dome structures, then their life is longer and strength is more than any other type of structure in Space frame industry.
  • Fireproof: After getting practical data of decades and performing the firelighter test, it is concluded that domes have excellent fire proofing capability than other similar structures.
  • Extremely Energy Efficient: Dome structure does not need any interior support and thereby wide space inside them cater them the advantage of more storage.
  • Cost Effective & Good Structural Integrity: Dome structure comprises great structural tightness with minimal space & structural components and its geometrical shape gives an advantage to conserve energy in form of heat, which make dome structures cost effective.
  • Very Low Maintenance: Bulk storage Dome structure are comparatively easier to maintain than any other building, therefore cost of maintenance on dome structures is lesser.
  • Good Acoustic Quality:  In Most of the places where sound needs to travel in continuous manner, dome structures are preferable to other structures due to good acoustic nature of dome structures.
  • Resistant to Adverse Weather Condition:  Due to its hemispherical Structure and absence of angles, flat surfaces makes them highly resistant to adverse weather conditions such as Storms, Hurricanes etc.
  • Highly Aesthetic & Versatile: We, At Hindustan Alcox Limited, one of the modern dome manufacturers use the combination of its basic features and latest technology to make dome structure more appealing and highly versatile in installation/reinstallation as well as in maintenance.

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