Space Frame Steel Structures: An Elegant Structural Framework

Space Frame Steel Structures

Emergence / Proliferation of Space Frame Structures:

With the advent of new building techniques, a significant progress made in the process of the development of the space frame structures, which frequently provide the right answer and satisfy the requirements for lightness, economy, speedy construction, durability & seismic resistance. This rapid proliferation of the space frame was mainly due to its great structural potential and visual beauty. Space frame steel structures are characterized by their considerable stiffness and rigidity, by their remarkable ability to have large spans without middle supports and by their capacity to carry concentrated or non-symmetric loads.

According to the structural analysis approach, a space structure is analyzed by assuming rigid joints that cause internal torsions and moments in the members, where every truss will resist the load acting on it independently & further transfers the load to the columns on each end.

In the space frame structural systems, steel is widely used for effective construction and to establish the use of steel in our country, various new techniques are needed like pre-stressing of steel and effective use of steel members by reducing the compression force. The three-dimensional character of space frame structures includes flat surfaces with loading perpendicular to the plane as well as curved surfaces. The important factors that influence the rapid development of the space frame are cited as follows:

  • Large Indoor Space
  • A Minimum Interference From Internal Supports
  • Greater Operational Efficiency

Space frame construction:

Space frame construction systems are featured by their high considerable stiffness & rigidity, by their remarkable ability to cover the large spans without middle supports and by their capacity to withstand concentrated and/or non-symmetric loads. Space frame construction systems are high technology products, which are able to carry concentrated and non-symmetric loads, and cover large spans without intermediate supports. Their Long lifetime is guaranteed, since many worth-remembering space frame projects have been designed & constructed by the company “Hindustan Alcox Limited” in last three decades using a variety of configurations.

In order to take full advantage of an industrialized system of construction, the units of space frames are usually produced in bulk in the factory. Space frames can be built from simple prefabricated units, which are of standard size & shape. These units can be easily transported and rapidly assembled on site by skilled labor. As one of the best stadium roof & shed manufacturers, the company “Hindustan Alcox Limited” has sustained its growth & adapted with today’s emerging trends by creating well engineered and complex space frame structures.


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