Safety Elements that Affect the Design of Coal Storage Shed

Coal Storage Shed

A Coal handling plant, makes the raw coal extracted from the mines go through various cleansing and refining process before it reaches the end users. At some point of time, the plants might need to store the processed coal in a safe and eco-friendly manner, before it is transported to various destinations or used within the plants. Given the combustible nature of coal, stocking it in closed sheds tends to pose various problems. As such the manufacturers of coal storage shed need to consider the following safety aspects while designing such a structure for coal handling plant.

  • The coal storage sheds should be large and spacious enough to eliminate the chances of creation of high pressure zones in the gas leakages from the coal stockpiles.
  • The coal storage sheds should be designed to provide a weather proof storage facility so as to prevent both the dampening of coal due to excessive moisture or creation of hot pockets during extremely hot weather.
  • It is important to ensure that ignition sources, within and outside the shed be kept to minimum, which is why the manufacturers should ensure that all electrical equipment’s inside the structure can be remotely controlled.
  • The coal storage sheds should be designed in a manner that prevents the oxidation of coal, as it not only reduces the coking property and calorific value of the fuel but also increased its ignition temperature.
  • Most important the shed should have basic facilities that can be remotely activated to deal with any emergency situation such as outbreak of fire or too much pressure of explosive gas mixtures.

With over 30 years of experience, Hindustan Alcox Limited is the leading coal storage shed manufacturer. Hindustan Alcox Limited follows all the safety factors while designing the coal storage shed structure which makes them different from others manufacturers.

Safety elements that Affect the Design of Coal storage Sheds
Article Name
Safety elements that Affect the Design of Coal storage Sheds
A Coal handling plant, makes the raw coal extracted from the mines go through various cleansing and refining process before it reaches the end users. At some point of time, the plants might need to store the processed coal in a safe and eco-friendly manner, before it is transported to various destinations or used within the plants. Given the combustible nature of coal, stocking it in closed sheds tends to pose various problems. As such the manufacturers of coal storage shed

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