Different Types of Coal Storage Methods

Coal Gasification

In a Coal based captive thermal power plant, coal storage plays a vital part for effective running of the power plant. The main purpose of storage of coal is to maintain the coal stock for numerous days; therefore the plant is not required to be shut down due to failure of usual supply of coal and to permit the choice of date of purchase allowing the management to take advantage of seasonal market conditions in prices of coal. Major types of coal storage includes:-

1) Coal Storage Sheds

Coal storage sheds are large in size and store tons of coals. Being the best choice for covering coal stockpiles for the most challenging environment, these types of sheds are also helpful in getting healthy predictions of spontaneous combustion & in taking appropriate precautions to avoid self-heating of coal during it storage and handling. By providing the covered storage, the operating expenses of the plant are also lowered.

2) Dead Storage or outdoor storage

In this method of coal storage, the coal is stored in dead storage in the form of piles laid directly on the ground. The coal stored has the tendency to combine with oxygen of air and during this process coal loss some of its heating value and ignition quality. Due to oxidation the coal may ignite spontaneously. This can be avoided by storing coal in the following way:

Stocking the coal in piles: Generally concrete floored area is used to prevent the flow of air from the bottom for stocking the coal. Coal is piled at 10-20 m height. This effectively prevents the air circulation in the interior of pile. The pile top should be given a gentle slope in which the rain may be drained off. Asphalt, fine coal dusts are the materials commonly used for this purpose.

3) Live Storage or active storage

Coal from a live storage pile is usually supplied to combustion equipment with the use of mobile equipment. The coal is usually stored in vertical cylinder or bunkers or silo. Coal from silo is transferred to the boiler grate. Live coal storage bunkers are normally constructed with a diamond-shaped cross section storage area and they are usually made of reinforced concrete or steel.

About Hindustan Alcox Limited

When you are looking for efficient coal storage shed manufacturer, you can count upon us because at Hindustan Alcox, we not only have advance technology but an excellent support of a well experienced, qualified and expert team.

What can Hindustan Alcox do for you? If you would like more information, please fill our inquiry form.

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