Introduction to Airports Terminal Buildings


Airport terminal building

An airport is a facility where passengers connect from/to ground transportation to air transportation. At the very minimum, an airport consists of one runway (or helipad), but other common components are aircraft hangars and airport terminal buildings.

Hindustan Alcox Limited specializes in manufacturing Airport Space frame Structure that not only incorporates high strength, energy efficiency & adequate safety standards for the airport terminal building but also fit for today’s aesthetic need.

Airport Terminal Building :

One of the applications of long span structure architecture is Airport Terminal Building where various structural innovations are integrated through multidimensional approach ensuring the optimum utilization of available space and material. The terminal area provides the facilities, procedures, and processes to efficiently move crew, passengers, and cargo of commercial & general aviation aircraft. The purpose of airport terminal building is to provide shelter and space for departure, arrival and other surface activities related to the air transportation especially when there is a large number of air passengers accumulated for fast transportation. Being the focal point of all activities of the airport, the size of Airport terminal building depends upon volume of the traffic.

As Airport space frame structures are planned for maximum efficiency, convenience and economy, the main objective is to impart space for line operations, facilities for passenger’s convenience, office for the airport management as well as non-aeronautical functions. The area of building in relation to the landing area depends not only on the present but also on the future anticipated use of airports.

Types of Airport Terminal Buildings

Depending upon the required service area, passenger volume & other airline characteristics such as international airline, domestic airlines etc, the airport terminal building is classified into five various types & are as follows:

  • Pier or Finger – Terminal Building
  • Linear or Curvelinear – Terminal Building
  • Satellite  – Terminal Building
  • Transporter – Terminal Building
  • Compact module unit – Terminal Building

Functions of Airport Terminal Buildings:

  • To provide circulation, processing and holding space
  • To cater premium level of service with assurance of smooth operations like ticket, check-in, security check etc.
  • To provide docking facility and adequate space for aircraft maintenance and servicing.
  • To provide passenger’s facility (such as shopping, toilets, eating, meeting, greeting, business  etc).

Features of Airport terminal Buildings:

airport steel structure manufacturer

  • Geometric Design Standards: Terminal facilities require a location, which assure adequate distance from present and upcoming aircraft operational areas in order to satisfy airport geometric design standards.
  • Expansion Potential: In constructing Airport terminal building, Specialized Steel Structures are fabricated in such a way to get bolted or welded easily with other steel structures in construction, showing constructability and versatility.
  • Highly Aesthetic: According to today’s trend, the need is not only limited to structural strength to withstand under adverse environmental conditions but also require the scope of looking aesthetic at its best.
  • Robustness: The Robustness of any steel structure can be reflected from inherited composition of the steel used. Hindustan Alcox Limited engineers excellent quality steel after practically focusing on the durability, strength and technical feasibility.
  • Durable: Durability of any airport space frame structure is one of its crucial features. The space structures made by Hindustan Alcox Limited are long lasting due to our unique quality of steel parts constructed in the fabrication phase.
  • Environmental Impacts: The location of an airport terminal building or major expansion of an existing one may result in significant environmental impacts, which can be analyzed & evaluated easily.
  • Light weight: Even the most complex shapes are possible with specialized steel structures. These structures are often light weight and offer advantage when it comes to execution of the project as well.

Hindustan Alcox Limited engineers an ideal solution in manufacturing airport terminal building with optimum space utilization & adequate space for future expansion. Hindustan Alcox Limited emerged as leading airport steel structure manufacturer in producing well-engineered and creative airport terminal buildings since 30 years. To sustain this growth & to adapt with today’s emerging trends, we are upgrading ourselves and imperatively working towards creating well engineered and complex structures.

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