Hindustan Alcox Ltd is an India based limited company dedicated to design, fabrication and erection of specialized steel structure. This paper presents one of the most common applications of space frame shed and Alcox Space Structure.

The Need:-
The cement manufacturing process starts from the mining of raw materials that are used in cement manufacturing, mainly limestone and clay.
The limestone is excavated from open cast mines after drilling and blasting and then loaded onto dumpers, which transport the materials and unload it into hoppers of limestone crushers. The clays are excavated from open cast mines and loaded onto dumpers, which transport the materials and unload it into open yard storage.
As we know cement manufacturer or cement company operator have to ensure that their product maintain quality and consistent properties. But most of the limestone quarries produce material of varying chemical composition. To obtain consistent quality in final product, quarried raw material must be blended before it is fed into the kiln. With our structure, any amount of limestone can be stored
Although stockpiles are created by slewing stacker to minimize fugitive dust, most of the cement producers enclose their stockpile to protect the surrounding environment, and to prevent loss of material due to water runoff and wind.

Limestone storage sheds are the best choice to cover stockpile. It is a low cost solution because fabrication and erection of the structure takes less time.
We provide solution for Bulk storage –
- In-house design, fabrication and erection of Limestone shed.
- Designing and pre-fabrication of component by using computers.
- Packaged and shipped in small units that can be by hand unloaded in remote locations
- Assembled over a stock pile or stockyard while the stockyard remains in operation
Limestone storage shed may be constructed by using mild steel or stainless steel, Because of the large steel requirement, limestone storage shed are generally built of mild steel confirming IS or ASTM standard . The advantage of mild steel is its low cost but it requires painting on whole structure for being long-lasting. Whereas, stainless steel structures are costly as compared to mild steel structures.
Generally, Stainless steel is used in Architectural project such as Airport terminal building, Airport structure, Institutional structures etc.
Limestone Storage:

The construction systems uses mild steel in case of limestone shed, no welding is required because the connection of the member consists of a very efficient moment-resistant mechanical joint. Limestone shed may be built in single- or double-layer configurations, depending on the load and span for the application. Experience suggests that for the spans required in limestone covers, a-double-layer is the most cost-effective
Limestone Storage Shed are often built over operating stockpiles since construction can proceed without interrupting operations.

Roofing of the Structure:
Galvalume is typically use for roofing purpose, Galvalume is lustrous spangled appearance is attractive enough to be used without painting. The GALVALUME sheet is a unique product which is suitable for heating and ventilation applications. It has better resistance towards oxidation and can withstand temperatures up to 315°C without discoloration. This feature of Galvalume enables us to use on limestone shed for roofing purpose.
Key Features
- Smooth Surface and uniform spangled appearance
- Excellent quoting with anti-fingerprint to ensure better appearance and longer life
- Surface treatment as per ROHS (Restriction On Hazardous Substance) norms
- Wider thickness range with tighter tolerances to ensure precision in end-applications
Advantage of Limestone Storage Shed:
- For achieving effective prevention and control of potential fugitive emission
- Lesser Operation and Maintenance cost
- Comply with current environmental guidelines by CPCB (Central Pollution control board)
Our Structure is fully Complying with new environmental regulations for air quality and Prevention and control of fugitive emission. So that it does not require stock pile owners to make huge investments or shut down operations. Our solutions presented here not only allow affordable compliance, but also enhance the reputation of any plant.