Iron Ore Storage: Preventive Measures Against Hazards

Iron Ore Storage

The naturally existing combined form of rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted, called as Iron Ore. The Iron ores having excess quantities of hematite or magnetite can be fed directly into blast furnaces for Iron production, known as “natural ore” or “direct shipping ore”.

Hazards (explosive, poisonous, ecotoxic, infectious) can occur at all stages of processing minerals, from (transport, processing, refining) to (smelting & feeding to the blast furnace). Iron Ore Storage also has the potential to be hazardous, especially if they are left to weather and the mineralization degrades.

Following are the Preventive measures against hazardous conditions that arise during iron ore storage:

  • Eye-wash kit, chemically resistant gloves, warning signs and many other cautious measures should be carried while doing Iron ore storage at large scale.

  • Covered conveyors should be used while carrying out various handling operations for Iron ore storage (like transport, feeding, refining) to minimize dust dispersal.

  • Use of automatic fire extinguishers and emergency response procedures not only minimizes the possibility of life threat, but also protect iron ore from spoiling.

  • Improved bulk transport of metal concentrates can be achieved using specially designed sealed containers. In addition, storage of metal ore in bulk under covered sheds results in a clean process that not only reduces potentially harmful dust emissions, but also protects the material from exposing to atmosphere.

  • Weather forecasts consisting of three-day and daily forecasts should be accessed on regular basis to get prepared for forthcoming environmental challenges.

  • Excessive moisture in the Iron ore leads to Lump formation which further reduces the plant efficiency and other material handling operations.

Hindustan Alcox Limited specializes in storage solution for Iron ore with long span steel structure. Iron ore storage shed, engineered by Alcox is advisable to cover stockpile for the most challenging environment. Iron ore storage sheds are often built over operating stockpiles to ensure tandem operation of the plant.

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