Gypsum Dome : A Flexible & Hasty Bulk Handling Solution

In the bulk handling industry, enclosed storage systems can be divided into three main categories:

  • Silo storage systems
  • Longitudinal (frame type) storage shed (covered storage)
  • Dome/Circular type storage (covered circular storage)

Out of these three storages, dome type storage is preferable due to their fast, handy and versatile architecture. Dome structure is a roof or vault having a circular, polygonal or generally semi-spherical shape with its curvature used as roofing. Importance of domes to endure under heavy rainfall and other adverse weather conditions is now understood as earlier the domes were only used in constructing Architectural buildings. That’s why, now domes are spotlighted in almost every sphere of construction industry.

Domes for Warehousing & Dry Storage

In industrial bulk storage for large quantities of materials such as gypsum, additives and other fertilizers, maintenance of product integrity is a primary objective. Open stockpiles leave materials subject to degradation during storage. But storage domes are very helpful in maintaining product integrity as well as elimination of various other hazards.

Gypsum Dome:

The fine-grained sulphate of calcium material industrially used as fertilizer in subject material, known as gypsum. It is generally used to improve its inherit properties, performance, efficiency and reduce cost. Gypsum is normally only screened to remove ‘fines’ (mainly mudstones), then crushed and finely ground. Gypsum for cement manufacture is supplied in crushed form for further fine grinding with cement clinker.

As an alternative to open stockpiles, Gypsum domes are the economical, fast and environmentally friendly. In terms of versatility, convenience and fast operation, these domes outperform other space frame structures. Followings are the points to elaborate that why gypsum domes are the best bulk storage solution.

Flexible: Versatility of gypsum dome can be seen by its capability to cater maximum space for storing gypsum & how versatile it is with additional storage of various other additives used in cement production. These domes cover large span to facilitate the storage of various additives under same shed .

Fast and Facilitating: Handling of Gypsum is based on various operations like loading, unloading, transportation, storing and feeding. In cement production industry, these different process stages may be in different locations, and each may have various feed conditions. Processing system will perform efficiently only when there is a proper set up for materials storage and handling. Gypsum storage provides opportunity to get an efficient setup for material storage and handling process to utilize maximum space and also helpful for labor to have convenience in almost all operational works. All such facilities under single dome not only make the cement plant operation handy & hasty but also maintains energy efficiency level.

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