Coal Gasification: Best Practice to Generate Clean Power from Coal

Gypsum Storage Sheds

Coal Gasification:

Coal Gasification is a process that can turn coal into clean power, chemicals, hydrogen & transportation fuels that can be further used to generate electricity or steam. These coal gasification systems are introduced in captive thermal power plants with advanced technologies to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency.

Coal Gasifiers convert hydrocarbons into a synthesis gas (syngas) at elevated pressures & temperatures and can be used to create many products such as electric power, chemical feedstock, liquid fuels, hydrogen, synthetic gas.

Why Coal Gasification is best practice to generate clean power from coal storage?

coal dome

Coal Gasification is usually considered as best practice to generate clean energy from coal storage. The aim of coal gasification is to generate power which is an important consideration in the future of hydrogen fuelled electricity generation.

Providing numerous opportunities for pollution control, especially with respect to emissions of sulfur, nitrous oxides, and mercury, coal gasification also increases the resource availability for power generation. Followings are the main advantages that persists with a coal power plant integrated with coal gasification:-

  • Environmental Performance
  • Maximizing power or efficiency
  • Long life
  • Reduced Volume of solid wastes
  • Free from dust & noise pollution

With long-term experience of 30 years, Hindustan Alcox Limited identifies and eliminates unnecessary energy losses from the processes by providing the best choice for covering coal stockpiles under Coal storage shed. Alternatively, Coal Storage and handling can also be done under dome structure sheds (like Coal dome, petcoke dome).

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